Covenant is a praying church. We seek Christ's guidance, comfort, and healing in all things. Prayer is crucial to who we are as a family of believers.
A Praying Church
Opportunities for Prayer
Prayer Corner
At the conclusion of every Sunday worship service, you are invited to the Prayer Corner in the Sanctuary (back, left corner as you exit). There, you will find elders, deacons, and Shalom ministers ready to pray with you for whatever is on your mind or heart.Prayer NetworkThe Prayer Network, made up of individuals from the congregation, is available for those who need prayer or for those who desire to pray for others.You are invited to join us on Sunday mornings at 10:00 am in room 107/109 to pray.
Pray Now and Praise NowPray Now and Praise Now are published in the Weekly Update church newsletter so we can pray for and rejoice with one another. You can request that your prayer needs and praises be added anytime.Have a prayer request or would like to pray for others?
Fill out the form below or contact the church office
719.598.0800 or